Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The CEO of the agency that runs that early intervention program I work for has been one of those who testified in the case that was recemtly filed to block DDD cutbacks. This afternoon, I learned that the lawsuit, which was filed by the provider consortium (AAPPD) and families, has been won by the plaintiffs!!

This is very exciting! : )

Although this win will not save the early intervention provider I have worked for almost 11 years (we are closing on April 3, 2009 ... so, so, SO sad ...) it will eventually restore services to the little ones I see who have been facing a complete loss of support services as of this Friday, and that is excellent news!

As of now, it is not known how long it will take to restore services. I was informed that the judge will be making a final ruling this afternoon on the "speedy recovery" that was requested by the plaintiffs and will also put forth a timeline for DDD for the restoration of services.

As I learn any new information about this case, I will post it here, so stay tuned . . .

Also: watch the news tonight - I'm sure it will be covered!


  1. This IS great news.. My son just got his services started in september of 08 and all he could do was point and grunt.. Now with the speech therapy he has been getting, his vocabulary and sign language has really improved.. I was very sad to see the services interrupted as he was doing so well with therapy...

    Thank goodness my autistic daughter's services havent been cut by all of this.. Its a good thing she is with ALTCS ( Az long term care services ). Thank you for the information.
